13 Posts


Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser, Podman and GitHub Actions

A few months ago, I published a post on Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser and GitHub …

GoReleaser: 4 years releasing software

Last year, I made a blog post about GoReleaser turning 3 years old. I kind of like it, so this …

Multi-platform Docker images with GoReleaser and GitHub Actions

GoReleaser v0.148.0 is out, and with it, the ability to release multi-platform Docker images, …

Making Python respect Docker memory limits

If you run Python inside containers, chances are you have seen Linux’s OOMKiller working …

Show me your code: how buildkit can help integrating GoReleaser with multi-arch Docker manifests

A discussion with Tibor and Geanluca about Docker buildkit and GoReleaser.

Faster Docker builds using go modules

Quick tip to improve the docker build speed using go modules. Normally, I would do something …

GoReleaser Docker support

The next GoReleaser version will have a more flexible Docker configuration format. In this post …

Continuous Delivery with GitHub, CircleCI, Docker and AWS Elastic Beanstalk

This is just a quick overview of how I did it in antibody’s homepage. Antibody's …

2º #connect(dev)

I gave a little intro on Docker and talked about when to use it or not. No slides or video …

Small Go Apps Containers

Or: how to ship your app in a <20Mb container. Well, as you may know, there is a good amount …

Running a Selenium Grid with docker-compose

At ContaAzul, we had 31 Windows machines powering our Selenium tests - one running the grid and …

Docker: The very basics

Or “what the hell is this Docker thing?” Intro According to their website, Docker …

Docker Protips™

Like my old post on git, this is somewhat a collection of useful Docker …